Checkmarx Creates Campaign to Help Companies With Security Awareness

1 min.

October 14, 2015

Checkmarx has released a new microsite to help companies raise awareness within their development teams for secure development practices. The campaign provides a kit that includes physical and online tools to promote safe application development within their organization.


The physical kit offers a package to help raise awareness within a development organization for application security including teaser cards, a poster of security tips, stickers, bag pins, Game of Hacks t-shirts as well as instructions for organizing a “Game of Hacks Challenge” in the workplace.


Throughout the month of October, Checkmarx will be providing a daily Application Security (AppSec) tip. The tips all come from global AppSec experts and address Application Security, Mobile Security, Robust Agile Security, and Awareness and Education for Developers. In addition, followers can submit their own AppSec tips by tweeting them to @Checkmarx with the hashtag #SecureDevAware.

Read the original article at App Developer Magazine.

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