7 ways DevOps benefits CISOs and their security programs

1 min.

October 4, 2016

DevOps can be beneficial
Organizational culture and its processes and technology are evolving at a pace we have never experienced before. As a result, we can’t just sit back and wait for the “DevOps fad” to fade away because it isn’t going to. It’s not a fad – it’s an evolved way of software development. Furthermore, security cannot be the elephant in the room that everyone avoids because it gets too complicated. Security must evolve, as well, segueing into SecDevOps.
Many organizations are regularly pushing out tens if not hundreds of releases and updates on a daily basis. With help and guidance from the security team, organizations can push secure releases on the first try and save lots of money and time along the way.
Checkmarx explains why DevOps can end up being a major benefit to security.

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